Elizabeth Chennamchetty
Life Happens. Sometimes you just have to write about it.

I slipped into a habit of turning on the TV before school to give the kids something to do while we were all getting ready. As a result, I inadvertently created little TV zombies. So now, we don’t watch any television before or after school Monday through Friday. “TV and tablets are for the weekends only,” Malik and Isabella regurgitate disappointedly every morning they wake up on a school day. It’s been two weeks and the kids have been playing together a lot more before getting dressed for the day. So far, so good.  I love it!

On Monday, Isabella, my first grader, was already dressed and ready to go very early. Her unfocused 2-year-old sister? Not so much.

Isabella asks Blu, “Do you want to look beautiful?’

“No,” Blu answers swiftly.

“Do you want to be the queen and do whatever you want?” Isabella ups the ante.


“But Blu, you will get to walk around and be beautiful and do anything you want!” Isabella begs.

“I awe-ready do dat,” Blu responds with a shrug, totally confident she could probably commit murder and get away with it.

“But Blu! Don’t you want me to be the mama and you can play baby with me?” Isabella will not give up.


“But Blllluuuuu! Come here! I am getting really frustrated.” Isabella pleads.

“Oh … Yuu can do my haier,” Blu walks over to Isabella.

“Oh good! Finally,” Isabella sighs, relieved.

“But I rearry wan to wear a pirate hat,” Blu sneezes dramatically. A huge amount of snot comes out of Blu’s nose, dripping onto her lip.

“Oh no! I need a tissue Mama!” Isabella looks at Blu concerned. “Oh man! Queens aren’t supposed to have snot.” Isabella places one hand on each of Blu’s shoulders and examines the snot dripping down Blu’s face.

“I not a Queen. I be a pirate.” Blu reminds Isabella.

“Oh yeah! Right! We’re good.” Isabella yells from the bedroom, “Never mind Mom.”



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