Elizabeth Chennamchetty
Life Happens. Sometimes you just have to write about it.

My son loves reptiles. He is also a fan of asking Alexa to play music. One morning the two collided when he asked Alexa to play an anaconda song.


Malik walked up to the counter and clearly asks, “Alexa, please play a anaconda song”

Alexa gladly complies, “Playing Anaconda.”

Some sort of Sir Mix A Lot Anaconda remix came on that started with “My anaconda don’t like none unless you got buns …”

“What? What did he say?” Malik giggles and looks at me.

I quickly stand up to make my way to our Alexa for re-direction, “Ut Oh.”

“Mom! Mom! Mom! Wait! Don’t talk to her yet. Why would an anaconda only like buns?” he starts cracking up. “I mean, have you ever seen a snake with a boodie?”

“Alexa, play the banana bread song,” I suggest quickly.

Malik urgently interjects, “Mom! No! I need to find out why the anaconda even knows about butts. That’s just silly.”


What Malik wanted to play: Green Anaconda

What he got: Anaconda

What I wanted Alexa to play instead: Banana Bread

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